GRS 10th Anniversary Development Update

Groestlcoin News
4 min readMar 22, 2024


As we toast to Groestlcoin’s (GRS) 10th year in 2024, let’s celebrate not just a decade of innovation but also our recent leap onto Bithumb with a KRW pairing. This moment feels like a hug from the future, promising us a spot in the bustling crypto scene of South Korea. Amidst evolving tech and shifting regulations, our journey continues, powered by our resilient spirit and your unwavering support. Here’s to us, to GRS, and to the exciting adventures that await. #GRS10Years 🚀🎉

🤲Sidenote: Help GRS Survive

This year has brought its share of challenges for Groestlcoin (GRS). The delisting from major exchanges like Binance, compounded by the bankruptcy of Bittrex due to regulatory pressures, has significantly impacted our ability to gain traction in the ever-competitive cryptocurrency market. This sequence of events has strained our financial resources, bringing us to a critical juncture in the journey of GRS.

In light of these challenges, we are reaching out to our dedicated community for support. The survival and growth of Groestlcoin now hinge on the collective effort of those who believe in its potential and future. Contributions can make a substantial difference in keeping the vision of GRS alive.

To support GRS, donations can be made in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Groestlcoin. Every contribution, big or small, is a step towards sustaining and advancing Groestlcoin in these trying times. Here are the addresses where donations can be sent:

  • Bitcoin (BTC) Address: 362mx8pNhvy9eAyPsDYtbq5FFDBNcUFUTZ
  • Ethereum (ETH) Address: 0xC5557F68Ac00d5108fD21d79D7Dc2D8496364C3f
  • Groestlcoin (GRS) Address: FWN1qdiRrymSR6jbpbanLYqZpjkEaZouHN

Your support is more than just a donation; it’s a lifeline that can help keep Groestlcoin afloat. Together, we can overcome these challenges and continue our journey towards innovation and success in the cryptocurrency space.

GRSPay 1.12.5 (Main-Net & Test-Net)

Click here for more information, how-to guides and learn how to accept GRS via GRSPay here

What’s New?

GRS Pay’s latest update is a leap into the future with its .NET 8 upgrade and enhanced Docker requirements. It bids farewell to Postgresql 11, while ushering in an era of advanced webhooks, BIP129 Multisig wallet support, and dynamic POS keypad functions. The update revolutionizes invoice adjustments with percentage-based discount capabilities and enhances NFC and receipt functionalities for smoother checkouts. It also introduces a myriad of UI refinements, ensuring a unified and stylish experience across all fronts. Dive into this update for a seamless, efficient, and engaging GRS Pay experience.

Electrum-GRS 4.5.4

What is Electrum-GRS?

Click here for more information, download links and more for Electrum-GRS

What’s New?

The Electrum-GRS 4.5.4 update introduces essential enhancements and fixes, such as ensuring Python assert statements are always enabled, supporting longer PIN codes for Trezor, and including AppStream metadata. Key improvements include configurable logfile retention, advanced configuration options, incremental wallet file writing, and a new plugin for swapserver. This release also refines user experience with warnings for non-standard transaction signings, options to merge duplicate outputs, and a simplified network settings page. Additionally, it boasts increased Trezor compatibility, including support for SLIP-19 ownership proofs and fixes for multisig transactions.

Electrum-GRS Android 4.5.4

What is Electrum-GRS Android?

Click here for more information, download links and more for Electrum-GRS.

What’s New?

The Electrum-GRS Android 4.5.4 update transitions to Qt6, enhancing user experience with fixes for invoice bounds, off-screen text issues, and ensures BIP39 cosigner compatibility. It introduces visibility for private keys and transaction inputs, alongside new functionalities like the label sync plugin, message signing, and indefinite payment requests. This version also improves navigation with the Android back-gesture and updates security with a minimum required Android version bump. Additional features include a more accessible welcome page, UI enhancements, and solutions for potential crash causes.

Core Lightning 24.02.1

What is Core Lightning?

What is Core-Lightning? And how to use it…

What’s New?

Core Lightning 24.02.1 introduces features aimed at enhancing recovery, channel management, and plugin compatibility. The recover plugin now aids in data loss detection and recovery, while updates to anchor channels improve funding and closing processes. The plugin manager, reckless, now supports python virtualenvs for handling conflicting dependencies and allows for specific version installations. Additionally, a new option prevents automatic reconnections to private peers, useful for service providers, and the latest experimental splicing proposal has been implemented to aid in specification development.


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